Nathan Hale
Elementary School
The Nathan Hale Elementary School is a Tier 1 school located in Roxbury, Massachusetts. It is a single strand school, comprising one class per grade from K1 through 6th grade serving just under 200 students. The Hale population is 52% Black/African American, 33% Hispanic/Latino, 3% Multi-race, 5% White and 7% Asian. Among this population 72% are high needs, 14% are English Learners, 12% are students with disabilities, and 61% are economically disadvantaged.
The school is proud to have risen from a failing school in 1999; each year improving school performance until it’s current standing as a Tier 1 school for over 10 years. The school continues to improve and outperform the Boston Public School (BPS) District and the state. In 2019e, the Hale was one of two schools in the BPS District to be recognized by the state of Massachuesetts as a school of recognition for student achievement and growth. It is also a finalist for the School on the Move award for 2020 granted by EdVestors. This outcome was accomplished through hard work by the students, teachers, administration, families and the community. In order to prepare the students for the 21st century, we have placed a strong emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). We have a science room and a full time science teacher. We also have a visual art studio and technology teacher. We also place a strong emphasis on developing the whole child. During the pandemic the teachers continue to go above and beyond to ensure the highest quality of education for all of our students.
For more information see the school website:
Thank You!
Thelma DaSilva Ajayi, President
Katherine Tarpley, Clerk
Andrew Coppo, Treasurer
*Donations are tax deductible. If you prefer to donate by check, please make checks payable to Friends of the Nathan Hale and mail to:
Friends of the Nathan Hale
c/o Nathan Hale School
51 Cedar Street
Roxbury, MA 02119